Monday, October 6, 2008

One of Those Days

Do you ever have one of those days? The kind that is too embarrassing to admit, because then everyone will realize that you aren't "the perfect mom?" I felt so lazy today! I dreaded doing the dishes (they are still only half done in the sink.) The kitchen table is covered with various "not dinner table items." I should have vacuumed because Will spilled Apple Jacks on the floor (Robbie vacuumed for me!) I just realized only moments ago that I forgot to change out the laundry, so either Robbie is wearing a towel tomorrow, or I will be up all night finishing the pants load.

I had every intention today of going in the crawl space to get our Halloween fabric. The girls and I are going to sew a table runner and place mats for Halloween. That can be a "tomorrow" project, I guess!

I need to vacuum upstairs, but I hate lugging that thing up the stairs!!! Someday, I WILL change my sheets again... and maybe even change the sheets on the kids beds.

What I DID do today was play the Wii with the kids. For a long time! And we did get all of the schooling done on my checklist... Ooh! I also made dinner! We are going to bed fat and happy tonight! I also read several stories to the kids before bed.

Ya know, on the days that we get all of our schooling done, the housework suffers. On the days that the house looks *fabulous* we don't get all of our schooling done. Hmmmm. I gotta figure this out! Oh! And just so you know... I am going to bed with a dirty kitchen!


annie valentine said...

My friend, that is every day in my house. Good mommies play the Wii.

Olivia said...

Ohhh, that scenario sounds so familiar. Don't worry, your kids won't remember the messy house--hopefully they'll remember all the other stuff you DID do! I'm sure they will :)

Olivia said...