Monday, October 20, 2008

Special Visit From the Toothfairy!

We had an exciting night last Sunday! Makenzie had a loose tooth (#7) on top that was driving her nuts, so I helped wiggle it so it was a little more loose. I didn't want to mess with it too much because in the past she has been quite squeemish. It was bugging her enough that she kept wiggling it, and she actually pulled it out herself! She was soooo excited about pulling a tooth for herself! I was proud of her for being so brave! We took lots of pictures and called daddy to tell him the exciting news. We talked about the toothfairy coming and how great that would be. The more we talked about the toothfairy, the more I thought how cool it would be if she could make a trip to pick up two teeth, rather than one. Abby has been walking around with her first very loose tooth on the bottom, so I told her that it would be REALLY special if the tooth-fairy could come get hers and Makenzie's teeth in one night. She is a persistent little girl. She wiggled that tooth for a good hour, insisting that she be the one to get it out. At times, I begged "please let me try! It's your first tooth. I want to do it!" She stayed strong and after many small videos of her wiggling her tooth, I MISSED the actual moment of her popping it out! It was cute. She quietly said "my tooth" in an awed voice. So, we took lots more pictures of Abby missing her tooth, and got some shots of the two gappy girls together!
The toothfairy came that night and left 4 quarters for each girl. So much excitement!

See the tiny teeth in their hands :0) Will was in the middle of it all trying to brush his teeth. He kept hearing the teeth word, and the only thing he knows about teeth is to brush them. He could feel the excitement in the air!


*MARY* said...

Can't wait until the tooth fairy starts visiting my family, it's so exciting!

Melissa said...

Well, that certainly is a big day! Cute story and cute photos to accompany it! Congrats on those missing teeth. We have yet to have a loose tooth here...

Catherine said...

AWWWW they are exciting! I remember, still to this day, loosing my first tooth. I love the last pic of the girls and Will looking like hes up to something behind them. I hear you are coming to visit for a while in December. We absolutely CAN NOT WAIT!!!! YIPPPIE!!! Its going to be the best Christmas ever!