Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time... or No Time...

I am going to ramble for a minute or two... Time is so weird!

In the very same moments, it can seem that time is dragging on forever, but also zooming past so fast I can't see straight! It seems like we are never going to get down to Texas! Each day seems to drag on endlessly. The packing doesn't ever seem to be finished... The cleaning gets uncleaned minutes after it has been scrubbed shiny. Little things get in the way of me getting all done that I planned.

But at the same time, I can't believe that in just a couple of days, we will be leaving the state we have lived in for over twelve years! In just a few days, we are off on a new and exciting adventure. It's just now hitting me... maybe I should be scared? I don't handle change well. Maybe I handle it better than I thing, and that is why it took so long for me to get nervous? I think the hardest part is the actual leaving. I will really miss my friends here in Colorado! Not that I am very good at getting together with my friends on a regular basis, but I will really miss everyone here! And that is happening way to fast! There isn't enough time to physically say bye to everyone... but please know that I wish there was time!

I am also moving a heck of a lot further away from my family :-( Now we will be on opposite ends of our country! I do prefer the southern half of this country while I sit here pondering the cold weather. 7 below is gettin' a little chilly for me! I am really looking forward to spending time with Robbie's family in Texas! It will be a great time! We get to meet our new little nephew! Get to know his brothers and sisters better! And spend some time with his grandma! Life is good! We are truly blessed to have this opportunity!


Catherine said...

We can not wait for yall to be here...we are so excited! Have a safe trip and see you REAL soon!

Melissa said...

I did not realize you guys are moving! Wow, best wishes to your new life in TX!

Mel said...

Have a safe trip! I hope that the move goes well for all of you! Keep in touch.

Christy Pond said...

We will miss you so much! We haven't known each other long, and the time our families have spent together has been hectic and harried for the most part, but we already miss your smiling faces! We wish you the best in Texas (although it would be best for our future friendship if you didn't start rooting for UT or any other Texas teams... we're Sooners!). God bless you, and have a Merry Christmas!

sunnytosh said...

For what it's worth, I am happy for you and I think you'll do just fine.

The Easton Family said...

Barb, I have to say that it doesn't so much sound like you're just going to visit... are you guys staying there? Please let us know when you are back here so we can get together! Hope you had a nice Christmas as well... I'm sorry that with all the crazy time of year stuff we weren't able to get together before you left... thank goodness for blogs and facebook! :)